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Art & Well-being

Art & Well-being Program held at the Cook County Department of Corrections, Women's Division in collaboration with teaching artist Loui L. Butler and Sheyssa Rosado.


The Art & Well-being program transforms the women's jail tier 

into an art studio; a space where women have the opportunity to explore their creativity by creating mixed media art journals 

while learning & practicing mindfulness meditation techniques.


Artwork is rotated and exhibited in our gallery, The People's Gallery, on a seasonal basis.


Called to Create, Children's Program

Since 2010 One Heart One Soul has been the traveling art program working in shelters, drop-in centers, and transitional spaces bringing the power of arts to those experiencing homelessness.


If you're interested in partnering with us as a site or volunteer, please email

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Called to Create, Youth-age Program

The heart of One Heart One Soul - serving youth in homelessness through creativity & art. As the traveling arts organizations, our Called to Create program works as a touch-point to connect with youth and connect to a plethora of resources such as our Retail Certification classes, clothing closet, meditative sessions and art gallery. As an independent organization  OHOS has the ability to not have an age-out practice; once you connect with OHOS we walk with you in your journey through adulthood.


If you're interested in partnering with us as a site or volunteer, please email

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UMatter Winter Drive

Communities came together to collect, donate and physically distribute winter items leading us to collect over 700 item; since then we've launched into Los Angeles and have collected well over 3,000 items, serving well thousands of  homeless community in Chicago and East Los Angeles.


RiseUp Retail Social Enterprise

This partnership is with Monarch Thrift Shop & One Heart One Soul. Classes are held at Monarch Thrift Shop with hands-on learning and training also provided at and by Monarch Thrift Shop. OHOS works with shelter partners and high schools to onboard youth experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. 


If you know a youth-age individual looking to participate, please email


© 2024 One Heart One Soul


Mailing Address:

One Heart One Soul

2875 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Chicago, IL 60614

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